Guidelines for Document Attachments


The information below is intended to help you successfully add the required documents to your application:

You can attach documents once you have completed the initial application form and confirmed that the data you have entered is correct.

The attachment screen will advise you what documents you must attach and which ones you may optionally attach in support of your application. You cannot move to the next step of the application process until you have attached all mandatory documents.


Preferred File Format

PDF, JPEG, PNG (96 DPI - dots per inch)

File Name

ONLY use numbers 0–9 and letters A–Z (upper and lower case) and a maximum of 35 characters

File Size

Maximum 512 KB

Compressed Files

We are not able to accept files that have been compressed, eg zip files. If the document you are attempting to attach is too large we recommend that you create a PDF document.



Please ensure that all attachments are upright

Photo requirement

·         Color.

·         Taken in the last six months.

·         Full face looking at the camera.

·         Clear background.

·         Well illuminated.

·         Neutral facial expression with both eyes open.

·         Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.

·         Remove glasses